Friday, July 5, 2013

A Creole Defines The Word In 1831

From THE LOUISIANA COURIER, Oct. 28, 1831:

            “CREOLE.” -- A most singular, and we think preposterous and absurd definition of this word is contained in the Emporium of Wednesday last; namely, that none are creoles but such as are born of European parents.  I have always called, and so considered myself, a creole, notwithstanding my father and father’s father were called creoles.  We have also called the slaves born in the country creoles, -- the horses raised here are also termed creole horses -- nay, even the chickens the cane, the corn and rice of our own production, have so been called, and under that appellation, universally command a higher price in market, than similar articles, the product of other states or countries.  But it would seem that after the lapse of more than a century, we have discovered, in this age of discovery, that we know not the meaning of a word, which had its origin with us, which is alone used and known among us.  How kind and how modest is it in the literary and scientific editor of the Emporium, thus to inform us, that we, ourselves, know not the meaning of the word  by which we have ever been distinguised (sic) from those who have emigrated to the state.  The word creole is incorporated in our statute book; its meaning is there clearly defined.  Our historians have also used the word, to signify such as have been born in the country whether white, yellow or black; whether the children of French, Spanish, English or Dutch or of any other nation.  And yet, this modern lexicographer of our city, gravely informs us, that he has investigated the subject, and that the result of his labor proves that creoles are not the colored population, but such alone as have been born of European parents!
                                                                                        A  CREOLE.

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